Business Experience

ing_ochoa_2012The CEO and founder of Tropicales Seeds Mr. Oscar Ochoa Mendoza has dedicated his life embracing the technological field of the seeds.

SETRO has provided seeds to large, small and medium projects, companies nationally and internationally, particularly in highlighting the quality of supply and personalized attention. With over 20 years of experience, is shaping SETRO nationally and internationally as an innovative company with excellent standards of production and the capacity to serve from small projects to large scale projects demanding.

Below are some good examples of projects that have been an important part SETRO:


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Premio_nacional_ambiental_2007 premio_presidencial_2002_2006

Lago de Yojoa, Cortés / Comayagua, Comayagua / Oropolí, El Paraíso / Catacamas, Olancho / Tres Valles, Fco. Morazán / Las Tres Marías. Sigua-Comayagua. / Forestales “El Campo”, Olancho / El Florido, Copán / Yoro, Yoro / Omonita, El Progreso / Choloma, Cortés / Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Cortés / La Ceiba, Atlántida / Colón / IHCAFE, Honduras.

Australia / Venezuela / Dominicana / Nicaragua / Ecuador / Brasil / Nueva Guinea / Guatemala / México / Sri Lanka / Colombia / Panamá / Costa Rica / / China / Vietnam / Mozambique / Holanda / España / Paraguay / Perú / Bolivia / Ghana

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